



你唱歌 很好听! ... 復制成功! You sing very nice! ... 復制成功! Good to hear you sing! ... 復制成功! Your singing is very good!


1) Your voice is so beautiful! 2) You have a really nice voice! 3) I really like your singing style and voice!

你唱歌好聽英文在你唱歌很好听,How to say it in English?的討論與評價

How to say 你唱歌很好听in English,You sing very well. ... 你唱的英文很好听, You sing English very well, ⏯. 但是你唱歌很好听, But you ...


    你唱歌好聽英文在[問卦] 你唱歌超級好聽的英文怎麼說? - Gossiping板- Disp BBS的討論與評價

    八卦版的E罩杯、30公分大家好小弟我有經營一個西洋音樂的粉絲頁就是分享每天最新的西洋歌這樣子粉絲頁雖然只有200多人讚但我很愛他們很喜歡輕鬆寫意 ...

    你唱歌好聽英文在唱歌很好聽的英文單字 - 漢語網的討論與評價

    相關詞. 黑人唱歌都很好聽的Blacks singing is very nice ; Blacks are very nice singing. 你唱歌很好聽了You sing very nicely. 她唱歌很好聽Her singing is very ...

    你唱歌好聽英文在用英語怎麼說,他唱歌很好聽用英文怎麼說 - 櫻桃知識的討論與評價

    She sings very beautifully. 3 _你唱誰的歌. it sounds nice that her singing.


    你唱歌 很好听英文翻译. you are a good singer,i support you you.have.a.very.nice.voice It's beautiful of you sang. How nicel.

    你唱歌好聽英文在你的歌很好聽英文、稱讚歌曲英文 - 房產建案資訊懶人包的討論與評價

    唱的好聽英文- 2006-04-24这首歌很好听(动听/优美)英语怎么说?60;2010-10-01你的声音听起来真好听用英语怎么说25;2014-02-10他唱歌很好听用英文...

    你唱歌好聽英文在唱歌好聽 - 英文資訊交流網-的討論與評價

    (你唱歌好聽嗎?) B: No, I'm tone deaf. I can just hum a tune. (不好聽,我五音不全。我只能哼哼曲子); Mary could carry a tune very well.

    你唱歌好聽英文在你唱歌很好聽英文 - 軟體兄弟的討論與評價

    deshocker: 你唱歌超級好聽的英文85F 01/21 23:14. → Mei5566: ... , 她回了"謝謝你" 實在是讓我受寵若驚因為歌手是外國人所以想要順便鼓勵她這樣所以我想問的是妳唱歌很 ...

    你唱歌好聽英文的PTT 評價、討論一次看
